Today jetbrains launched EAP for PhpStorm 2019.1 that you can get from here or in the JetBrains Toolbox app. The new release include lots of new features mainly the support of Twig debug, ability for docker-compose to exec and re-use existing containers, fixing code style with PHP_CodeSniffer among many others.

Twig is the default template engine for Symfony and Drupal, debugging templates usually isn’t an issue for developers but having the possibility to run a step by step debugger could help in some cases. The most interesting feature in this release is probably the possibility to sort use statement in your code according to your preference : alphabetically or by length (then CTRL+ALT+O to optimize imports).

And finally if you like coding with less distraction and tools, the focus mode is now available to highlights the current method or function, leaving all the surrounding text grayed out. This could be useful for presentations, pair programming, or if you just want to concentrate and reduce noise to a minimum.

PHPStorm new Focus mode



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