Certainly Slashdot is one of the most popular IT news website, with a powerful plateform written in perl, it have been redesigned recently to introduce a new CSS API allowing to better personalize the website and make it look better. Today a contest have been launched to redesign Slashdot website, so this is an opportunity to win a new Laptop for the top price ! Criteria and how to participate are detailed in the contest entry. I don’t know if I’ll participate, but if it’s an powerbook I won’t hesitate a second 🙂

A few months back we went and redesigned Slashdot with fancy new CSS templates. The idea was that with a new clean CSS framework under the skin, we could more easily redesign the look & feel of the site. At that time I mentioned that we wanted to have a contest to redesign Slashdot. Well that time has come. Read on for the rules, instructions, and timeline. Oh, and did I mention that the top prize is a new laptop?